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Date : 2012-10-28
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UMMO And The Extraterrestrial Papers ~ The story of UMMO starts with a series of letters and phone calls to various Spanish UFO researchers in 1965 that purportedly came from an extraterrestrial race While the most commonly reported method of contact is clearly by telepathy the aliens in this case tried a more direct decidedly earthly method of communication
UMMO And The Extraterrestrial Papers Kindle edition by ~ UMMO And The Extraterrestrial Papers Kindle edition by Antonio Ribera Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading UMMO And The Extraterrestrial Papers
UMMO And The Extraterrestrial Papers by Timothy Beckley ~ The story of UMMO starts with a series of letters and phone calls to various Spanish UFO researchers in 1965 that purportedly came from an extraterrestrial race While the most commonly reported method of ET contact is clearly by telepathy the aliens in this case tried a more direct decidedly earthly method of communication
Ummo and the Extraterrestrial Papers ~ The story of UMMO starts with a series of letters and phone calls to various Spanish UFO researchers in 1965 that purportedly came from an extraterrestrial race While the most commonly reported method of ET contact is clearly by telepathy the aliens in this case tried a more direct decidedly earthly method of communication
Ummo and the Extraterrestrial Papers ~ Ummo and the Extraterrestrial Papers In Spain the most famous of all UFO incidents involves a highly classified group of ETs from the planet UMMO who have established bases here as far back as the 1950s and have contained several outstanding researchers to reveal their existance on our planet Gordon Creighton and Antonio Ribera provide a
UMMO and the EXTRATERRESTRIAL PAPERS ~ Are there extraterrestrial beings living among us on Earth Events surrounding two spectacular Spanish UFO sightings suggest that this case is a fact The UMMOcase is a mystery with plenty of clues along the trail Whatever the truth this is in every way a refreshing change from the more usual alleged encounters with people from other worlds
The UMMO Affair Are Extraterrestrials Living Among Us ~ “UMMO and the Extraterrestrial Papers” also includes some exchanges between a Canadian – given the pseudonym “Tony” to protect his privacy – and his UMMO correspondent who calls himself “Mr X”
Ummo letters Alien Research Fandom ~ The Ummo letters is a thirtyyear letter correspondance project of contact with tall whites who identify themselves with José Luis JordánPeña’s OUMMO The Ummo concept began as a work of fiction by Spanish psychologist José Luis JordánPeña in 1960 which spurned critism of contact as
The UMMO Affair Are Extraterrestrials Living Among Us ~ · Are aliens mingling with our populous · Have they established a “Breakaway Civilization” right here on Earth · Have they actually gone so far as to construct cities of their own in isolated areas The UMMO saucer seems about to land The UMMO phenomenon …
UFOContact from Planet Ummo 01 ~ So we proceed with a further selection from the remarkable UMMO documents which were sent to selected recipients in various parts of the world by beings allegedly extraterrestrial who said they had journeyed from the planet UMMO to Earth where they landed in France at La Javie in the Department of the Basses Alpes in 1950
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